It has been over a month since my last post! Wow, does time fly!? I apologize for my procrastination, and hope you will soon understand why I have been so absent.
We finished the 3 week testing window for the MSP (Measurement of Student Progress) last week. The bell schedule was a nightmare, and I had to stagger my lessons a day apart so as to accommodate the testing schedule for students who tested on Tuesdays, and those others who tested on Wednesdays. It was formatted in this way because my school has so many 7th graders, and not enough computers to support the entire 7th grade class to test on the same day. Also, the reading and math portions of the test have been moved to online-only, and the only portion in paper/pencil is the writing. It was messy!
Needless to say, it was crazy-town for a few weeks. We made it through unscathed, but then the dreaded MBA was scheduled for my 8th grade math students the week following the conclusion to the MSP. The Math Benchmark Assessment is given in 3 sections over 1 school year, and it tests the students on what we are learning in class directly. It is based on our state standards. This was the third (and last) test, and the kiddos were totally bummed out that they had to take yet another standardized assessment. So was I, but do I dare admit it...Heck no! I smile and encourage them, "You will do great! We have been working so hard this year, I know you will be awesome :-)"
Not only has it been exhausting for the students, but as a teacher (and my first rodeo) it was difficult to keep them engaged after 3 weeks of testing (and videos). Over the 3 weeks, I had kids asking me "are we watching a movie today?" As if that is all we are going to be doing until June...Not! We have a mini-unit to cover in science: Chemical Mixtures and Reactions. In math, we have to cover Exponential Relationships also. I am working hard to keep them interested, but it is easier said then done.
And speaking of June...It is nearing the end of the year (E.O.Y.) and I am planning on giving my science students an independent project as an extra boost for their grades. It will be standards-based, and I am thinking it will be a brochure or booklet type of project about a topic we have learned this year. Originally I was thinking I would ask them to create a Children's Story Book about a topic from this year, in which they must explain and illustrate a story written by themselves. I have a rubric created, but I am questioning the ability of my students. Do you have any experience in E.O.Y projects? What do you think about my optional assignment?
May the force be with you, fellow educators! You're almost home-free (well, for 2 months that is). Happy Teaching!
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